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Gerardo Garcia Killed In Fresno Semi-Truck Accident By Kamm Avenue and Jameson Avenue

| San Francisco

Gerardo Garcia, 28, of Caruthers, Died In Fresno Big Rig Truck Accident By The Intersection of Kamm Avenue and Jameson Avenue

Gerardo Garcia Killed In Fresno Semi-Truck Accident By Kamm Avenue and Jameson Avenue

FRESNO, CALIFORNIA (November 16, 2022) – A 28-year-old man identified as Gerardo Garcia was killed in a Fresno semi-truck accident by Kamm Avenue and Jameson Avenue.

Fresno County officials are saying that the accident took place around 7:00 a.m. on Wednesday. A big rig was traveling north on Jameson Avenue when the driver failed to stop for a posted stop sign.

The truck then collided with a Toyota Camry driven by Gerardo Garcia and pushed it a significant distance in the process. Firefighters and paramedics were called to the scene of the collision in order to help the victims.

A passenger in the semi-truck died as a result of his injuries. Gerardo Garcia was also pronounced dead a the scene.

A hazmat team was called to the scene to clean up the diesel that spilled. A full investigation into the crash remains ongoing at this time.

Liability For Fresno Semi-Truck Accidents

Semi-trucks can weigh as much as 80,000 lbs and are much more dangerous than passenger vehicles. According to the IIHS, “In 2020, 4,014 people died in crashes involving large trucks. Fifteen percent of these deaths were truck occupants, 68 percent were passenger vehicle occupants and 16 percent were pedestrians, bicyclists or motorcyclists. In fatal two-vehicle crashes involving a passenger vehicle and a large truck, 97 percent of the deaths were occupants of the passenger vehicles.” There are several factors that could contribute to any semi-truck accident.

  • Fatigue: Semi-truck companies will often push their drivers to complete their routes as quickly as possible. It is common for them to be dangerously fatigued.
  • Driver Distraction: Truck drivers can be distracted by their cellphones or conversations with other people.
  • Speeding: Trucks have a much greater stopping distance than smaller vehicles. They are required by law to travel slower than other vehicles on highways.

Semi-truck drivers will typically need to undergo specialized training and acquire a commercial license. They must be very familiar with how their rig operates and abide by all traffic regulations. Pursuant to California Vehicle Code 22450, the driver of any vehicle approaching a stop sign shall stop at the entrance to the intersecting roadway. There is a rebuttable presumption of negligence on the part of any driver that goes past a stop sign without yielding before hitting any vehicle.

If a truck driver was working at the time of a collision, the company that they were working for could be held at fault. Generally speaking, companies are liable for the wrongful actions of their employees – insofar as those employees were working within the course and scope of their job duties. For example, a truck driver may have been delivering packages when they were involved in a crash. There are a number of steps that should be taken after any truck accident.

  • Surveillance footage should be sought.
  • Medical records should be preserved.
  • The truck’s event data recorder should be examined.
  • The truck driver’s logbook should be reviewed.

When a truck driver commits a traffic infraction and causes a collision, they can be held at fault through a civil claim. The family of any person that died in a semi-truck accident can pursue a claim through California Code of Civil Procedure 377.60. Beneficiaries will typically include the decedents surviving spouse, domestic partner or children. A wrongful death attorney can examine all of the unique facts of your case free of cost and let you know what your legal options are.

Investigating A Fresno Semi-Truck Accident

We at TORKLAW extend our deepest condolences to the family of Gerardo Garcia. Any person that may have more information about what happened should reach out to police. This was a preventable tragedy that should have never taken place. It is our sincere hope that steps are taken to prevent other collisions like this. Completing a delivery route as quickly as possible should never be prioritized over the safety of everyone on the road.

Do you need more information about a Fresno semi-truck accident? Our team of consumer safety advocates are here  to answer any questions that you may have. We care deeply that accident victims get the information and support that they are entitled to under the law. Whether you just have legal questions or need a free, independent investigation into any collision, we are here for you. You can contact us anytime at (888) 441-4991.

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