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Phoenix Brain Injury Lawyer

If you or your loved one suffer any sort of brain injury, it will take quite some time to recover. If your injuries were caused by someone else’s negligence, then you may have a claim for damages. The only way to know for sure is to meet with a Phoenix brain injury lawyer at TORKLAW.

A Traumatic Brain Injury Can Be Very Serious

People suffer a traumatic brain injury when they receive a severe blow to the head. As we’ll discuss below, this can be caused by the impact of a car or motorcycle accident. You can imagine what sort of damage can be caused when your skull is impacted by a piece of heavy machinery or equipment. Some of the signs and symptoms of a brain injury include the following:

  • Dizziness and inability to focus
  • Blurred vision
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia and inability to sleep through the night
  • Nausea
  • Lack of motor coordination

If you experience any of these symptoms, you really need to get to the hospital immediately.

The Phoenix Brain Injury Lawyers at TORKLAW Are Familiar with This Sort of Case

Over the years, the Phoenix brain injury lawyers at TORKLAW have handled plenty of cases like yours. They have the experience and knowledge to properly argue your case. They also know what the most common causes of brain injuries are and will look to see if your case fits into this category. Some of the things that can cause a traumatic brain injury include:

  • Car accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Slip and fall
  • Workplace accidents
  • Truck accidents

The only way to know for sure if you’ve suffered a brain injury is to see a doctor. This is why we always recommend that our clients go to the hospital as soon as possible after their accident. At the hospital, they’ll run the necessary tests to diagnose a brain injury. This could include:

  • Neurological exam
  • Physical exam
  • CT scan
  • MRI

Your Phoenix brain injury lawyer at TORKLAW will need proof of your injuries to get you damages. The best way to do that is by using your medical records.

Phoenix Brain Injury Lawyers Understand that You May Be Permanently Disabled as a Result of Your Accident

If your brain injury is serious, you may not be able to work again. This means you’ll have to apply for permanent disability. Not only does this take time to get approved, but you’ll likely be earning a lot less than you did before your injury. For example, consider that you make $80,000 as a construction worker before the accident. You can no longer do this kind of work. You’re expected to earn about $35,000 per year on disability. Your Phoenix brain injury lawyer at TORKLAW will demand that you be compensated for this difference.

The way this is calculated is by looking at the loss of income per year and your age. Most people retire at the age of sixty-five (65). Let’s say that you’re 40 years old at the time of your accident. You will be losing about twenty-five (25) years’ worth of income. Your attorney will demand the difference of $45,000 per year and multiply that by 25 years. They’ll also make sure to account for inflation and interest. This is the figure that they’ll demand in your lawsuit for lost future income.

Demanding Compensation for a Brain Injury

  • Medical bills – If you had to pay for any medical care out of your own pocket, you can demand compensation. If your healthcare provider covered your treatment, they’d be expected to be reimbursed.
  • Future medical care – Your doctor may indicate that you need additional medical care. This is common with brain injury cases. You can demand compensation for this as well.
  • Pain and suffering – These are intended to compensate you for any mental or physical anguish caused by your brain injury.
  • Lost future income – If you can’t do the same kind of work as a result of your accident, your Phoenix brain injury lawyer will demand compensation. They’ll ask that you be paid the difference between what you would have earned and what you’ll now earn because of your brain injury.
  • Lost wages – If you miss a significant amount of time from work, you may be eligible for additional damages.

Since each case is a bit different, then you won’t know what sort of damages you’re entitled to until you meet with one of the Phoenix brain injury lawyers at TORKLAW.

Talk to One of the Phoenix Brain Injury Lawyers at TORKLAW

If your loved one suffered a brain injury in an accident, they might not be in a position to come into the office talk to us. If they aren’t, we can always work out a way to come see them. Or we can offer to conduct a free, initial consultation by telephone or online. It can take quite some time to recover from a traumatic brain injury. However, you don’t want to wait too long to see a Phoenix brain injury lawyer at TORKLAW.

In Arizona, you only have a certain amount of time to file a personal injury lawsuit. This is because every state has something called a statute of limitations. The statute in Phoenix requires that your TORKLAW attorney file suit within two (2) years of the date of your accident. The courts make very few exceptions to this rule. Your lawyer is going to need as much time as possible to prepare your case. You don’t want to wait until the last minute to retain a qualified Phoenix brain injury lawyer.

The good news is that you can meet with one of our lawyers for no fee at all. Sit down and explain your case. Let one of the seasoned attorneys at TORKLAW answer any questions you may have. They can also give you an estimate of what your case may be worth. Just keep in mind – there is never a guarantee. While our lawyers work hard to get their clients as much money as possible, they can never make any promises about how much you may be awarded.

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