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Leo Andrade Injured In Bakersfield Oil Well Explosion Accident

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Leo Andrade Seriously Injured In Bakersfield Oil Rig Explosion Accident At Abandoned Well

Leo Andrade Injured In Bakersfield Oil Well Explosion Accident

BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA (December 7, 2022) – An oil worker identified as Leo Andrade was seriously injured in a Bakersfield oil well explosion accident.

Kern County officials are saying that the explosion took place on Friday at an abandoned oil well. Leo Andrade was working with his team to plug a well in the oil field when there was a sudden explosion.

The force of the blast knocked the worker from the oil platform and left him seriously injured in the process. Firefighters, paramedics and a safety officer were called to the scene of the accident.

Leo Andrade sustained several fractures to both of his legs. He was taken to Kern Medical and his since undergone multiple surgeries.

A nearby building was also damaged from the explosion. The abandoned oil well was under the purview of the state of California when the blast took place, according to the CEO of the company responsible for plugging the well.

Leo Andrade’s wife Danielle has asked the community for prayers as he continues to recover. A full investigation into what may have caused the blast remains ongoing.

Liability For Bakersfield Oil Rig Explosion Accidents

Working in the oil industry can pay very well, but the work can also be very dangerous at times. By its very nature, oil is volatile and potentially explosive. According to one report by the Centers for Disease Control, there were 1,189 deaths in the oil industry over a ten-year period from 2003 – 2013. There are a number of hazards that oil field workers face when they are completing their job duties.

  • Falls are one of the leading causes of injury for workers across all industries.
  • Oil rig workers are continuously working with combustible materials that are under pressure. Explosions are always a potential hazard.
  • Oil rig workers may become trapped or pinned by the various pieces of heavy equipment they use for their jobs.

When a worker is injured in California, they will typically have recourse through the worker’s compensation system. Worker’s compensation is based on a no-fault insurance plan designed to help make employees whole after a workplace accident. Depending on the facts of any case, an injured worker may also have recourse through a third party liability claim. A third party liability claim may be possible when an entity separate from a worker’s employer contributed to an accident.

There are numerous potential sources of third party liability for an oil field accident. A municipal entity like the state of California could be liable for an oil well accident if they were the ones who owned or controlled the oil well. Pursuant to California Civil Code 1714, property owners have a legal obligation to maintain their premises in a reasonably safe condition. When a property owner has actual or constructive notice of a dangerous condition with their property, they must take action to correct the dangerous condition.

There are numerous ways that a property owner may have acted negligently and contributed to an oil field accident. A property owner may not have followed OSHA guidelines for maintaining a safe worksite. For example, a property owner may not have fully emptied an abandoned well and left behind combustible material. In some cases, oil or gas lines are not properly mapped out and are occasionally struck by heavy equipment.

It is also possible that the manufacturer of the equipment used in an oil field could be liable for an accident. Product manufacturers have a legal responsibility to make equipment that is reasonably safe. When an equipment manufacturer fails to make products that are reasonably safe, this could form the basis of a negligence claim. For example, it is possible that equipment used to extract oil inadvertently sparked and triggered a larger explosion. There are a number of steps that should be taken after any oil industry explosion.

  • All equipment used prior to the accident should be examined.
  • Maintenance records for the worksite should be reviewed.
  • Work records for the oil field should be sought.
  • A thorough, independent investigation should be conducted.

Many accident victims may not realize the full extent of their injuries for several weeks or months after they are injured. It is common for survivors of serious accidents to suffer long-term psychological trauma. Any worker that is injured in an oil well accident may have legal recourse through a civil claim. Damages in a civil claim can help cover lost wages, medical bills and pain and suffering. It is extremely important that all evidence is properly preserved after any incident.

Liability For Bakersfield Oil Rig Explosion Accidents

We at TorkLaw extend our thoughts and prayers to Leo Andrade and his family as he continues to recover. Any person that may have more information about what happened should reach out to OSHA. It is our sincere hope that steps are taken to prevent other tragedies like this. Worker safety should always be the number one priority for oil rig owners.

Have you or someone that you love been harmed in an oil well explosion? There are a number of laws designed to protect your rights. Our team of worker’s rights advocates are here to answer any questions that you may have. We care deeply that accident victims get the medical and financial support that they are entitled to under the law. Whether you just have legal questions or need a free, independent investigation into any accident we are here for you. You can reach out to us anytime at (888) 441-4991.

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