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Los Angeles Brain Injury Lawyer

Suffering a brain injury can result in devastating consequences. Every brain injury is serious, but there are differences in what each victim needs. For instance, those who experience brain injury through trauma such as sports injuries, car accidents, and assault may require extensive medical care. Sometimes victims also need years of physical therapy or rehabilitation. Los Angeles brain injury lawyers help victims who are often overwhelmed with their medical needs and the financial strain that results from obtaining treatment.

After experiencing a moderate to severe brain injury, the victim may need support from multiple professionals. The full effect of brain injury varies from person to person. In some cases, a brain injury may simply affect cells temporarily. In other cases, brain injury can result in long-term disability and even death. As a result, victims or their caregivers will often work with a team of medical staff, social workers or rehabilitation professionals, and attorneys who can help get compensation and resolve other legal issues.

Brain Injury Causes and Statistics

A wide variety of experiences in life can result in a traumatic brain injury. In fact, even a simple bump to the head can cause a concussion. Los Angeles brain injury lawyers see a bit of everything from car accidents to falls. But how often do serious brain injuries occur, and what are their primary causes?

In recent years, specific causes of TBI have increased. In particular, the rate of traumatic brain injuries suffered as a result of aging has risen substantially. Among those over the age of 75, brain injuries are most frequently caused by falls. However, younger people are also vulnerable. For those under the age of 75, the most common causes of TBI are being hit by an object and motor vehicle accidents.

When looking at less common causes of these injuries, assault only makes up about 10% of TBI cases. Of course, being struck by an object or hitting a hard surface is not necessarily considered an assault. Accidents, such as slipping on an oil spot in the parking lot, rarely involve criminal conduct. TBI can even be caused by objects falling off of a building or crashing down from a household bookshelf. Approximately 15% of TBI cases result from this kind of mishap.

That’s not to say that TBI is uncommon, however. Each year over 50,000 people died because of TBI.  Additionally, traumatic brain injuries disable six times more people than spinal cord injuries, Multiple Sclerosis, HIV/AIDS, and breast cancer in any given year. Counting those who survive; over 2.8 million Americans are likely to experience a traumatic brain injury annually. Many millions of Americans live with long-term disabilities or need lifelong support for daily living because of TBI.

Different Types of Traumatic Brain Injury

The major types of traumatic brain injuries are segmented into categories based on how the brain became damaged. These injuries can include bruising, often called “contusions,” or shaking of the brain, referred to as “Coup Contrecoup.” Other injuries can include tearing of brain tissue, broken blood vessels, and penetration of the brain itself.

The trouble for medical professionals who specifically work with trauma and brain injuries is identification. Identifying a traumatic brain injury is not as simple as identifying a broken bone or burn. There are many types of traumatic brain injuries that do not present physical signs of distress.

Traumatic brain injuries can be split into two categories: closed head injuries and open head injuries. Closed head injuries are the most common and include contusion, coup contrecoup, hematoma, hemorrhage, concussion, edema, and even diffuse axonal injury. Open head injuries would include damage such as the skull-splitting open.

Los Angeles Brain Injury Lawyers Can Explain Various Resolution Options

The most common traumatic brain injuries, such as falls and motor vehicle accidents, are often the result of negligence. This means that there is probably a responsible party behind this accident or incident. For example, if someone slips, falls, and then suffers a head injury from impact with the floor, this could be the responsibility of the property owner. This is the case in both private and public properties.

Motor vehicle accidents frequently have an at-fault party. This means that there is one person who is more responsible for the crash than the other. Both with brain injuries and fall cases, it is possible to pursue compensation through a liability insurance claim. This resolution is often easier for victims because it may not involve going to court. Liability claims may also avoid the victim needing to file a lawsuit against a person, which is especially advantageous if it’s a person they know.

However, other situations, such as an assault or responsibility for falling objects, are typically more complex. Most challenging of all are situations such as sports injuries where the victim may have waived liability at some point.

Medical Care Needs After A Brain Injury

Typically, when an emergency room doctor identifies a brain injury, they head straight from the ER to the operating room. This is because surgery is the most common first step in brain injury treatment. Doctors may perform surgery simply to remove pressure from within the skull, which reduces damage to the brain. However, other surgeries are performed to remove large hematomas, treat contusions, and more.

There is no question that medical care is your first priority after sustaining a brain injury. However, not all brain injuries present symptoms right away. Someone may go days or weeks without noticing the more subtle symptoms of a brain injury. When that is the case, these victims should clearly present their symptoms and concerns to their doctor. Depending on the symptoms and exam, there may be a wide variety of diagnostic tests performed prior to the diagnosis of a brain injury.

There are also non-surgical treatments. Typically, these are designed to treat key issues that happen after TBI with or without surgery. Non-surgical treatments are often the best option for preventing further nerve damage, promoting healing, and managing blood pressure. In addition to surgery, non-surgical treatment, and ongoing diagnostic testing to monitor the injury, aftercare may be provided. Aftercare could include physical therapy, occupational therapy, counseling, and medical support for disabilities. Some people with severe types of traumatic brain injury may need a nurse around the clock, while others may need the occasional check-in.

Get Support with Los Angeles Brain Injury Lawyers

Brain injury lawyers typically work with a wide variety of situations. They see everything from car accidents to sports injuries, and they understand that each brain injury is unique. Because each case is different, not every person who experiences TBI has the option for civil action against the person they believe is responsible.

It is important that victims of negligence and carelessness have access to Legal resources to determine if they have a liability claim or a court case. Los Angeles brain injury lawyers provide a wealth of resources and support for victims who need additional care. At TORKLAW, our team helps victims understand their situation and determine if moving forward with a claim is possible.

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