Our TORKLAW office locations are designed to provide our clients with exceptional service. We recognize the challenges that injury victims face, so we do everything we can to make working with us as easy as possible. From convenient locations across the country to a team of dedicated individuals who are ready to come to you, TORKLAW’s number one goal is to cater our services to your individualized needs, and make the process of recovery as easy as possible. So, call us anytime, and we will arrange an appointment at a nearby office, or come to you!
California office locations
San Francisco
- 1 Sansome Street, 35th Floor,
San Francisco, CA 94104 - 415.738.7672
- [email protected]
- 1 Sansome Street, 35th Floor,
- 836 57th Street, Suite 455,
Sacramento, CA 95819 - 916.823.8101
- [email protected]
- 836 57th Street, Suite 455,
- 8175 Limonite Ave, Suite A,
Riverside, CA 92509 - 951.425.4544
- [email protected]
- 8175 Limonite Ave, Suite A,
San Diego
- 1455 Frazee Road, Ste 500,
San Diego, CA 92108 - 619.600.0697
- [email protected]
- 1455 Frazee Road, Ste 500,
San Bernardino
- 473 E. Carnegie Drive, Ste 200,
San Bernardino, CA 92408 - 909.454.3453
- [email protected]
- 473 E. Carnegie Drive, Ste 200,
Los Angeles
- 611 Wilshire Blvd, 9th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017 - 310.935.1111
- [email protected]
- 611 Wilshire Blvd, 9th Floor
Orange County
- 18650 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 300
Irvine, CA 92612 - 949.313.7733
- [email protected]
- 18650 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 300
Tennessee Nashville
- 501 Union Street Suite 400, Nashville, TN 37219
- 615.866.4800
- [email protected]
Michigan Detroit
- 220 West Congress Street, 2nd Floor, Detroit, MI 48226
- 734.472.2623
- [email protected]
Massachusetts Boston
- One Boston Place, Suite 2600 Boston, MA 02108
- 339.229.5353
- [email protected]
Nevada Las Vegas
- 3651 Lindell Rd, Suite D1062,
Las Vegas, NV 89103 - 702.819.8998
- [email protected]
- 3651 Lindell Rd, Suite D1062,
DC Washington DC
- 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., Suite 200,
Washington, D.C. 20006 - 202.999.3536
- [email protected]
- 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W., Suite 200,
Texas Dallas
- 1717 McKinney Ave, Suite 1700,
Dallas, TX 75202 - 469.518.6898
- [email protected]
- 1717 McKinney Ave, Suite 1700,
Illinois Chicago
- 150 N. Wacker Dr., Suite 1450
Chicago, IL 60606 - 312.229.0033
- [email protected]
- 150 N. Wacker Dr., Suite 1450
Arizona Phoenix
- 420 West Roosevelt Street, Suite 103
Phoenix, AZ 85003 - 602.536.8787
- [email protected]
- 420 West Roosevelt Street, Suite 103