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Las Vegas Brain Injury Lawyer

The Las Vegas brain injury lawyers at TORKLAW know all too well how serious brain injuries are. Our clients come to us, desperate for justice. If their injury is caused by someone’s negligence, there’s a good chance they’re entitled to compensation. These injuries are often caused by severe trauma. That is why they are usually referred to as a traumatic brain injury. They can be serious or minor. Either way, they require immediate medical treatment. If left untreated, they can prove dangerous or even fatal.

That’s why the best thing to do is to call and talk to one of our lawyers sooner rather than later. You don’t want to wait too long and find out you’ve missed your chance to file your claim.

What Exactly is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A lot of people don’t realize they even have a brain injury. They feel fine after their accident. Then, hours or days later, they realize something is wrong. This is why Las Vegas brain injury lawyers at TORKLAW tell their clients to go to the hospital even if they think they’re fine.

If you notice any of the following things, you need to get to the hospital immediately:

  • Dizziness and inability to focus
  • Blurred vision
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia and inability to sleep through the night
  • Nausea
  • Lack of motor coordination

You don’t need to notice all of these symptoms. If you have just a few, then you could have a brain injury. The only way to know for sure is to go see a doctor.

Primary Causes of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Most brain injuries are caused by a severe blow to the head. You may not even realize there’s something wrong until hours after your accident. You could be sitting home and realize something isn’t right. You need to make sure you go to the hospital to get checked out.

There are all sorts of accidents that can cause a traumatic brain injury. These include the following:

  • Car accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Slip and fall
  • Workplace accidents
  • Truck accidents

The only way to know for sure if you have a brain injury is to get the necessary tests. This may include some or all of the following:

  • Neurological exam
  • Physical exam
  • CT scan
  • MRI

Understanding the Seriousness of Brain Injuries

All injuries sustained in an accident can be serious. But brain injuries tend to be more serious than other types of injuries. This is because you can’t see them. There’s no way to know for sure if you’ve suffered a traumatic brain injury. If you do sustain this sort of injury, you can end up with both short-term and long-term damage. You may never be able to work again. You could end up needing long-term care or assistance. But you won’t know this right away.

Your Las Vegas brain injury lawyer knows this. They’ll fight to make sure you get future medical bills. If your doctor says that you’re going to need care in the future, the defendant should be held accountable for the cost of this treatment. Your doctor can testify if need be. Or your lawyer can rely on your medical records to prove this. Either way, you’ll be taken care of. When your lawyer settles your case, they’ll make sure they account for this type of issue.

Damages Demanded In A Las Vegas Brain Injury Case?

The reason you hire a Las Vegas brain injury lawyer at TORKLAW is so that you can get damages. We understand this. If you suffer injuries because of someone’s negligence, then you should be able to collect damages. The person responsible for your injury should be held liable. The best way to do that is to rely on a seasoned attorney. Our attorneys will demand the following types of damages:

  • Medical bills
  • Future medical care
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost future income
  • Lost wages
  • Property Damage

Just keep in mind – every case is different. We won’t know what sort of damages you deserve until after we review your case. We need to look at all of the evidence and find out what the defendant’s position is. We also need to see if you may be partially at fault. If you are, then your awarded damages will be reduced. However, if you’re more than 50% at fault, you get nothing. In fact, if you’re more than 50% at fault, you can be held liable for damages. Your Las Vegas brain injury lawyers at TORKLAW understand this. That’s why they’ll try to settle your case rather than go to trial.

How TORKLAW’s Las Vegas Brain Injury Lawyers Can Help

If you suffer any sort of brain injury, you may have a claim for damages. It all depends on what and who caused your injury. If you were in an accident, then there’s a good chance you can file a claim against the defendant’s insurance company. The same is true if you suffer a slip and fall. The property owner should be held responsible, and they have to carry insurance. Either way, your Las Vegas brain injury lawyer at TORKLAW will fight to get you damages.

In order to do this, you first need to meet with one of our attorneys. You can schedule your free consultation over the phone. If need be, you can even conduct your consultation by phone or online. As long as you talk to someone as soon as possible, you have the best chance of collecting damages.

Once you meet with your lawyer, you can have a better idea of what your case is worth. You just need to give them any information you have related to your case. Bring all of this with you to your first meeting. The sooner your Las Vegas brain injury lawyer at TORKLAW can start working on your case, the sooner they can get it resolved.

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