For brothers Jeremy and Joshua Page, the morning of March 8, 2022, likely started out like any other. The well-known and respected teens who played football for Edison High were on their way to school in their 1990 Ford F250 when a white Chevrolet Silverado city vehicle collided with them at the intersection of Newland Street and Yorktown Avenue, causing their vehicle to hit a metal pole. Witnesses say that the boys were trapped in their vehicle, and paramedics had to extricate them. Joshua, age 18, was pronounced dead at the hospital, while Jeremy, 17, lost his fight for life the following day.
The Irvine Police Department has been charged with investigating the accident since it involved a Huntington Beach city vehicle and a 38-year-old city employee driver. Police say the investigation could take a while. Still, they do not suspect drugs or alcohol to be factors in the accident at this point. The driver walked away from the accident unscathed.
If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a car accident or lost a family member in one, you need to know that you have legal rights. By contacting a well-versed car accident lawyer, you can learn more about those rights and how much compensation you could receive for your losses.
Who is at Fault When a Car Accident Occurs?
A variety of different parties could be at fault for a car accident. Sometimes multiple parties are responsible. The at-fault party is typically the party or parties who acted negligently leading up to the accident. In most motor vehicle accidents, it’s another driver on the road. However, it can be several other parties as well, such as:
- A driver’s employer if the driver was performing the duties of their job when they caused the accident, such as with a delivery truck driver or a city employee
- The manufacturer of a vehicle or its parts as they are responsible for making and distributing safe goods
- A municipality in charge of road repairs, construction, and sign and light maintenance
- Another driver who wasn’t involved in the accident itself
When you hire a skilled car accident attorney from TORKLAW, we have the time and resources to begin investigating your accident right away. We know that valuable evidence supporting your claim can be lost in a matter of hours or days, and we won’t jeopardize your compensation. We can determine how your accident happened and identify and hold the liable parties accountable for their negligence.
We may not know for weeks or months the cause or the at-fault party in the tragic accident that killed the Huntington Beach Page brothers. However, one possibility is the city since the other party was a city employee driving a city vehicle.
Personal Injury Claims Against the Government
The Federal Tort Claims Act and other state and local statutes allow injured parties to pursue litigation against the government. Claims against government employees or entities are slightly different from typical claims. If it’s determined that a claim against the government is necessary in your case, there are specific steps that must you must follow. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to have a knowledgeable car accident lawyer on your side who knows how to manage these types of cases.
While the specifics and deadlines vary from one state or jurisdiction to the next, claims against the government usually start by filing a “notice of claim” with the specific agency’s office. Typically, this is done with one particular claim form published by the government, which includes room for:
- Your name and address
- Which government entity is liable for your damages
- A detailed description of where, when, and how you suffered your injuries
- A detailed description of your injury damages, for instance, your medical expenses, lost wages and income, and pain and suffering
- Your written intention to pursue financial compensation for injuries caused resulting from the negligence of the government agency or its employee
- The monetary amount you are requesting in damages
Your car accident attorney will know the deadline you have to provide a notice of claim; however, they are typically only a few months to a year after sustaining the injury. This makes contacting an experienced car accident lawyer as soon as possible after your injury imperative to the success of your claim. Suppose you miss or ignore the deadline to file a notice of claim. In that case, it’s highly unlikely that you will be successful in receiving compensation for your injuries. When you hire an attorney, they will complete the notice of claim and file it on your behalf so that you can focus on recovering from your injuries.
Once your lawyer has filed your notice of claim, they will likely hear back from an insurance adjuster representing the government entity. It’s possible the adjuster works out of the government’s legal department or is from a private insurance company. For instance, if you were hurt in a car accident caused by a city worker, the city might have a commercial coverage auto insurance policy.
From here, your car accident attorney will attempt to negotiate a full and fair settlement. If they aren’t able to do so, you have the choice to litigate your claim. Either way, you can count on them to work tirelessly to get you the compensation you deserve.
Speak with a TORKLAW Car Accident Lawyer Today
No matter who is liable for your car accident injuries or the death of your loved one, the personal injury attorneys near me will perform a thorough investigation of your claim to ensure you receive maximum compensation from all at-fault parties. At TORKLAW, we aren’t afraid to hold government agencies, their employees, or their insurance companies accountable for their actions. If a government entity or their employee negligently, intentionally, or carelessly caused your injuries, you deserve compensation.
Call TORKLAW at 888.845.9696 or contact us online to schedule your government claim accident case evaluation. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is available to take your call 24/7.