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No Kid Hungry Donation Social Campaign

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TORKLAW Supporting 'No Kid Hungry' class=
For every like, comment, share and new follow to their Instagram post, they will donate $1 to the @NoKidHungry foundation.

Social Media Campaign

As we all take precaution to protect ourselves and others from the spread of coronavirus, we can’t forget hungry kids. Nearly 22 million food-at-risk kids from communities across the country rely on the free and reduced-price meals they receive at school. For many, these meals may be the only nutritious food that they’ll receive on a given day.

As the coronavirus crisis bars kids from the school meals they depend on, we would like to help to ensure these kids can eat. TORKLAW will donate $1 to the @NoKidHungry foundation for EVERY Like, Comment, Share and new Follow we receive to our image and our social media pages (up to $1,000)! You can join this movement by clicking here to view the post. Please like the post and tag your friends in the comments to help us spread the word!

Supporting No Kid Hungry

About No Kid Hungry

No Kid Hungry is a national campaign run by Share Our Strength, a nonprofit working to solve problems of hunger and poverty in the United States and around the world. After 25 years of successfully investing in local nonprofits and helping find the best approaches to eradicating poverty and hunger, Share Our Strength launched No Kid Hungry in 2010.

As a child hunger organization, ending childhood hunger is our primary focus, though Share Our Strength continues to invest in and develop other campaigns.

Learn more about Share Our Strength and our other work at ShareOurStrength.org.

Proud Supporters of No Kid Hungry

What No Kid Hungry Does To Help

We have plenty of food in the United States. And we have child nutrition programs that work. The problem is that not enough kids are able to access them.

That’s a problem we know how to solve. Here are some of the ways how.

  • School breakfasts
  • Summer meals
  • Afterschool meals
  • Food skills education

To learn more about No Kid Hungry and to donate to their cause, visit their website: https://www.nokidhungry.org/

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