One Person Injured In El Paso Motorcycle Accident By The Intersection of Dyer Street and Hayes Avenue
EL PASO, TEXAS (February 27, 2023) – A motorcyclist was seriously injured in an El Paso car accident near the intersection of Dyer Street and Hayes Avenue.
El Paso County officials are saying that the accident took place around 8:18 p.m. on Friday. A motorcyclist was hit by a vehicle under uncertain conditions.
Paramedics were called to the scene in order to help the victim. They were taken to the hospital with major injuries.
A full investigation into the crash on Dyer Street remains ongoing at this time.
Liability For El Paso Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcyclists account for a disproportionate number of serious injury collisions in the United States. According to the NHTSA, “In 2020 there were 5,579 motorcyclists killed, 14 percent of all traffic fatalities. This is the highest number of motorcyclists killed since FARS started in 1975.” The vast majority of motorcycle accidents are preventable and involve some amount of human error. Victims of motorcycle accidents tend to suffer very serious injuries including:
- Broken bones
- Head injuries
- Lacerations
Drivers have a legal obligation to exercise due care in order to avoid causing accidents. Many motorcycle collisions are due to drivers that make dangerous turns. Any person that is injured due to the negligent actions of a driver may have legal recourse through a bodily injury claim. Damages in a civil claim cover lost wages, medical bills and pain and suffering.
Investigating A Texas Motorcycle Accident
We at TORKLAW extend our best wishes to the victim of this collision. Any person that may have more information about what happened should reach out to investigators. There needs to be a thorough investigation into what went wrong.
Have you or someone that you care about been injured due to the negligent actions of another driver? There are a number of laws designed to protect your rights. Our team of motorcycle accident attorneys are here for you. We care deeply that accident victims are aware of their rights and that those rights are being protected. You can reach out to us anytime at (888) 441-4991.