Consumer News
Recall for Defective Ethicon Surgical Staplers
The FDA has issued a recall for defective Ethicon surgical staplers due to the risk of serious injury or death in gastrointestinal surgeries
National Stroke Awareness Month: Stroke Compensati...
May is National Stroke Awareness Month. We want to tell you about actionable legal claims when a stroke is caused or worsened by another person.
Truck Underride Legislation Has No Traction
Poor truck underride legislation is causing more deaths, because large trucks don't have adequate protection. Read more here.
Did Goodyear Orchestrate a 22-Year Cover-up of Def...
On October 24, 2018, a shareholder of the Akron, Ohio-based Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company filed a lawsuit against Goodyear CEO and Board of Directors, accusing them of fraudulently covering up pr...
U.S. Veterans Who Used 3M Ear Plugs May Deserve Co...
Defective 3M Ear Plugs may be responsible for hearing loss in U.S. Army Veterans serving between 2003-2015. Call TorkLaw - 888.845.9696
The NutriBullet: A Disaster Waiting to Happen?
When you buy a blender, you don’t expect it to explode and cause life-altering injuries. Recently, a growing number of NutriBullet users have reported burns and other injuries from sudden, severe de...
Ralph Nader Wants You To Sue For Justice But Not F...
Recently, Ralph Nader penned an insightful article for Harper’s Magazine regarding the idea of tort reform and how it relates to the justice system as a whole. We have tremendous respect for ...