Most personal injury victims need the help of medical professionals to recover and return to their everyday lives as much as possible. These same victims may also need the help of legal professionals to recover financially and move forward in their lives unburdened by the financial issues personal injury can cause. Sometimes our injured clients approach us asking for medical referrals, just as your injured patients may have asked you for a referral to a personal injury attorney. TORKLAW is an excellent personal injury law firm for your chiropractic injury patients. We are looking to expand our list of excellent medical providers that help accident victims that seek our legal services.
There’s no doubt that accident victims can often benefit from chiropractic work, and chiropractic patients who suffer a personal injury can benefit from discussing their legal options with a seasoned attorney.
Since 2012, the attorneys at TORKLAW have been working diligently to seek justice for personal injury victims in and around the Los Angeles area. We’ve resolved over 12,000 cases and obtained over $325M in compensation for our injured clients. Our support team is available 24/7 and we provide no-obligation, confidential consultations. Our attorneys handle each claim with a personalized approach and attention to detail.
We handle all types of personal injury claims, including:
- Car accidents
- Pedestrian accidents
- Motorcycle accidents
- Bicycle accidents
- Truck accidents
- Slip and falls
- Wrongful Death
Working Together in the Best Interest of Injured Patients
Chiropractors and lawyers can work together in the best interest of their patients or clients. Each experienced professional has crucial information and skills to provide in a personal injury case. When they bring their expertise to the table, the litigation process runs more effectively, and injured victims are more likely to receive the justice and medical care they deserve.
At TORKLAW, we recognize the benefits of having a medical network willing to advocate for our clients when the need arises. Chiropractors can generally offer the following to a personal injury case:
Assessment of Medical Damages
As a chiropractor, you can help your patient establish a paper trail connecting their injuries to the personal injury event. This step is crucial in proving a negligence claim. Attorneys must demonstrate that their client would not have suffered harm if it weren’t for the other party’s actions. By thoroughly documenting your findings with a patient, you can help create a medical record that supports their claim.
In addition, your assessment as a chiropractor is invaluable to us as it provides insights into what the victim’s recovery might involve.
- Will they recover fully after a few months of treatment?
- Will they need a year or more of treatments to recover?
- Will they ever even fully recover?
- What will the medical cost of their recovery amount to?
- What are the potential recovery obstacles or delays?
The answers to these questions will determine the amount of compensation they are entitled to receive. As a treating medical professional, you can help us understand what your patient’s prognosis is so that we can fight for the full and fair amount of compensation.
Legal Testimony
Chiropractors can also provide legal testimony at depositions or trials. They can back up what their patient’s lawyer is trying to convey to the court regarding the patient’s injuries, how the injuries might have occurred, as well as their anticipated recovery course, prognosis, and damages. Medical testimony is often an invaluable piece of evidence used to help accident victims receive the compensation they are entitled to receive.
Want to Learn More About TORKLAW?
Chiropractors and attorneys both want the same for the injured victims they serve—they want them to be able to go back to living their normal lives. While you help them physically, we can help them legally so that they aren’t left in a financial bind.
If you want to learn more about how teaming with TORKLAW might help your practice and your patients, give us a call today at 888.845.9696 or complete our online form. We look forward to speaking with you and building a beneficial relationship for the injured parties we both serve.