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Chicago Burn Injury Lawyer

One thing the Chicago burn injury lawyers at TORKLAW know is that these can be the most painful injuries of all. Often times, there’s no way to treat these injuries. There is not much a doctor can do other than give their patients something for the pain. These burns often take time to heal. That’s why our clients need us. We focus on the legal side of things. That way, our clients can focus on getting better. After all, the most important thing is your health.

What we do is make sure your case is handled properly from the start. Depending on what caused your burn injuries, you may have a claim for damages. If someone else caused your burns, then you need to file a claim against their insurance company. Ideally, the insurance company will pay your claim. If they don’t, our Chicago burn injury lawyers will try to negotiate a settlement with the insurance adjustor. If that doesn’t work, we’ll have no choice but to file a lawsuit on your behalf.

The only way to know for sure whether you have a claim or not is to talk to a Chicago burn injury lawyer at TORKLAW. You can schedule a free consultation and sit down with someone who has handled cases like yours before. Our team has decades of combined experience handling burn injury cases. We’ll do our best to make sure you and your family get the justice and compensation you deserve.

Top Causes of Burn Injuries

More often than not, burn injuries are caused by some sort of accident. Of course, there are times when you suffer your injuries due to a house fire. But there are a lot of other things that can cause your burns. Our Chicago burn injury lawyers see a lot of burn injury cases. Some of these involve:

  • Car accidents
  • House and electrical fires
  • Chemical spills and explosions
  • Workplace accidents
  • Gas and oil accidents
  • Child burns such as scalding or an incident at their daycare or school

Regardless of what caused your injuries, if it was due to someone’s negligence, then you may be entitled to damages. Of course, your Chicago burn injury lawyer at TORKLAW needs to be able to prove your case. This requires two things. First, they need to prove that the defendant was at fault. Second, they need to demonstrate that you actually suffered damages. This isn’t all that hard when you suffer third- or fourth-degree burns.

Your Chicago Burn Injury Lawyers at TORKLAW Knows How Painful Burn Injuries Can Be

Of all the injuries a person can suffer, burns may be the most painful. Even doctors who handle these types of cases report that they wish they could do more to help their burn victims. Because of the pain involved, our Chicago burn injury lawyers demand significant damages for our clients. These are the type of injuries that can keep a person out of work for weeks or even months.

The other thing about these injuries is that they often require long-term treatment. You may need multiple surgeries. You might need physical therapy. It all depends on how serious your injuries are. But even if you’re only out of work for a few months, it can add up. Our Chicago burn injury lawyers at TORKLAW will make sure we demand compensation for this time.

Most People Understand that There are Different Degrees of Burns

Most of us have suffered some sort of minor burn in our lives. Maybe you put too much lighter fluid on the grill. Or you may have touched a hot engine before it cooled off. But those burns are usually first or second degree at the worst. The burn injuries that our clients at TORKLAW suffer tend to be third- or fourth-degree burns. These are the types of injuries that penetrate the muscle. It can take months or longer for the pain to dissipate.

Because these burns are so painful, your Chicago burn injury lawyer is going to demand that you receive pain and suffering. In fact, this may make up the lion’s share of your damages.

You May Be Entitled to Certain Damages

Depending on your injuries, you may be entitled to certain damages. This may include any or all of the following:

  • Medical bills
  • Future medical bills
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages
  • Lost future income
  • Permanent disability

Every case is unique so there’s no way to know for sure what your case is worth. That is something you can discuss with your Chicago burn injury lawyer at TORKLAW.

You Should Schedule Your Free Consultation with Our Chicago Burn Injury Lawyers at TORKLAW

In order to know if you’re entitled to damages, you should call and talk to a Chicago burn injury lawyer. They can review your case and give you an idea of what your case is worth. When you call our office at TORKLAW, you can schedule your free, initial consultation. Just make sure you are prepared for this meeting.

Your attorney is going to need to review certain things when you come. This information will help them prepare your case. So make sure you bring the following items with you:

  • Copies of any correspondence between you and the insurance company
  • Letters and emails you have received from the defendant or their lawyer
  • A picture of your injuries
  • A copy of your medical records
  • Proof of any lost wages or income
  • Proof of what you have paid out of pocket for your medical treatment

The good news is that your Chicago burn injury lawyer at TORKLAW is going to do whatever they can to get you compensation for your injuries. They’ll try to settle your case first. Usually, the insurance company wants to settle as badly as you do. They understand that it will cost them more if they go to trial and lose. This is why both sides have to be willing to compromise. So, call our office today and schedule your initial consultation.

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