Semi-trucks on the roadways tower over regular vehicles. It is no surprise that Boston truck accident lawyers handle cases every day from accidents with these massive machines. These trucks are a crucial part of the country’s infrastructure, picking up and delivering items we use every day – without these trucks and drivers, we may not be able to get the things we need for everyday living.
Semi-Truck Safety and Concerns
Semi-trucks get their names from the trailers that they haul. The semi-tractor trailer is a trailer that does not have front wheels and is pulled using a large truck. There are three different styles of semi-truck, and they fall into nine different classes.
Drivers who operate these large commercial trucks are required to obtain special licensing. To get a CDL, drivers must take classes and pass tests, including driving tests. Even the best drivers can get into an accident.
Types of Semi-Truck Accidents
A semi-truck size can weigh as much as 30 regular cars, making the size alone a cause for concern. The truck’s size causes potential risk for the drivers on the road, as does the load they are hauling.
Head-On or Rear-End Collision – When these types of accidents happen with a semi-truck, it isn’t like what happens when two cars collide. Due to the size of a semi, there is a high likelihood that the semi will drive over the car. Truck drivers are trained to know that they need at least two football fields of stopping distance, so those drivers who tailgate in their semi are unsafe and could potentially cause an accident.
Jackknife – The most common cause of jackknife semi-truck accidents is drivers hitting their brakes suddenly, causing their trailer to swing out at a 90-degree angle. When this happens, they could potentially flip over. Cars and drivers in the semi’s path could be at risk for injury.
Blind Spot – Semi-truck drivers are victims of abnormally large blind spots. Accidents can occur when smaller vehicles fall within the blind spots on all four sides of the semi. These accidents can happen when a truck changes lanes frequently without paying attention to mirrors or when cars on the road stay in the blind spot.
Tire Blowouts – When you drive down the interstate, you see the remains of semi-truck blowouts – shredded rubber remains lying all over the road. Many transport companies will save money by retreading their truck tires, giving them extra life. When the tire blows, that retread can be sent flying across the roadway, potentially creating dangerous situations.
Underride Accidents – The most devastating type of accident can be an underride accident. These accidents occur when the car becomes lodged under the trailer of the semi. When the front of a vehicle becomes lodged under the trailer’s back end, it often rips the car’s entire front end off the frame.
Truck Driver Logging and Hours of Service
Fatigued semi-drivers create accidents on the roadways. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) branch that governs all commercial truck operations.
Truck drivers are required to fill out driving logs that keep track of their hours of service. Hours of service are the hours that these drivers are on the road. Many of the driver’s records have become electronic, which makes it more accurate.
The FMCSA has set restrictions on the hours of service a truck driver can spend on the road and behind the wheel.
- 11-Hour Driving Limit (after 10 hours off duty)
- 14-Hour Limit
- 30-Minute Uninterrupted Break (after eight cumulative hours driving)
- 60/70-Hour Limit (cannot start a new cycle until 34-hours off duty)
- Adverse Conditions (driver can extend 11 and 14-hour limits by two hours when faced with adverse driving conditions)
- Short-Haul Exception (drivers within a 150-mile radius, maximum 14 hours)
Injuries Associated with Truck Accidents
A spectrum of injuries can occur when you are involved in an accident with a semi. Boston truck accident lawyers handle cases regularly that help victims regain their confidence and get the compensation they deserve for the injuries sustained. TORKLAW is the top choice for personal injury and truck accident cases in Boston.
- Spinal injuries
- Broken bones
- Brain and head injuries
- Burns
- Amputation
- Paralysis
- Fatality
How Boston Truck Accident Lawyers Level The Playing Field
Many people don’t think that they can take on large truck companies when their drivers injure them. Victims then buckle, accepting the first settlement amount the insurance company gives them. The insurance companies have the goal of settling accidents for as little as possible. Don’t let these industry bullies stop you from receiving the compensation you deserve.
We Work on Contingency Fees
At TORKLAW, we know that your truck accident in Boston has left you unable to make ends meet. We give you a free case consultation, so you have nothing else to lose. If we proceed with your case, we work on a contingency fee arrangement.
A contingency fee arrangement means that we will take your case with no money upfront. You only pay if we win your case, and you are not required to pay a cent if we lose. Why do we do this? We want to provide legal representation to all people, regardless of their ability to pay upfront.
Types of Damages We Can Recover
When you choose us to be your Boston truck accident lawyers, TORKLAW will fight to get the maximum amount of compensation for your claim. You may be entitled to more than one type of compensation for your truck accident injury claim.
Economic Damages – When you are in an accident, you incur expenses. These expenses are often related to medical, lost wages, and any other quantifiable expenses. You have the right to sue to get these expenses paid.
Non-Economic Damages – These are the damages that cannot be calculated easily, but are just as essential. These damages are pain and suffering, disfigurement, mental anguish, etc. The non-economic damages are often what make up the bulk of awarded damages in a Boston truck accident claim.
Punitive Damages – Punitive damages are compensation that the judge or jury may require the defendant to pay in excess of the economic and non-economic damages. These are usually decided because of circumstances or frequent offenses from the defendant.
Boston Truck Accident Lawyers For You
TORKLAW wants to help you with your Boston truck accident claim. We offer free consultations for these cases, and we are available to take your call. You can call our offices at 888.845.9696 to begin the process.
If you or a loved one are the victims of a truck accident in Boston, TORKLAW wants to handle your case and get you the compensation you deserve.