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Kristina Chermak Died In Custody At Northern Branch Jail In Santa Maria

| Los Angeles

Inmate Kristina Chermak (Full Name: Kristina Marie Chermak) Died In Custody While Staying At The Northern Branch Jail In Santa Maria

Kristina Chermak Died In Custody At Northern Branch Jail In Santa Maria

SANTA MARIA, CALIFORNIA (September 13, 2022) – A woman identified as Kristina Chermak died in custody at the Northern Branch Jail in Santa Maria.

Santa Barbara County officials are saying that the incident began around 10:27 p.m. on Friday. A nurse conducting medication distribution noticed that Kristina Chermak was unresponsive in her cell.

Jail staff began life-saving measures in order to revive the inmate. Paramedics were called to the scene in order to take over CPR.

Sadly,  attempts to revive Kristina Chermak were unsuccessful and she was pronounced dead. A full investigation into the in custody death at the Northern Branch Jail remains ongoing at this time.

Liability In Santa Maria In Custody Deaths

California has one of the highest instances of in custody deaths in the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, “Between 1994 and 2003, 4,506 people died while in the custody of law enforcement [in California]; there were 384 such deaths in 1994 and 580 in 2003. Over this same period, custody deaths at State supervised facilities increased an average of 3.5 percent each year: 257 in 1994 to 344 in 2003.” Many in custody deaths are preventable and due to inadequate care. There are a number of steps that jails should take to keep inmates safe.

  • Correctional officers should be properly trained.
  • Correctional officers should perform periodic safety checks on inmates.
  • Jails should be adequately staffed.

Jails have a legal obligation to provide inmates with reasonably adequate healthcare. A jail could be liable for an inmate’s death if they were deliberately indifferent to the serious medical needs of an inmate. There are numerous ways that a jail could be “deliberately indifferent.” Correctional officers may have failed to intervene before, during or after an inmate went into medical distress. There are a number of steps that should be taken after any in custody death.

  • Eye witnesses should be interviewed.
  • Jail records should be reviewed.
  • Surveillance footage should be sought.
  • A thorough, independent investigation should be performed.

The family of any inmate that dies in custody may have legal recourse through a wrongful death claim. Damages in a civil claim can help cover many of the unexpected expenses that come with the sudden loss of a loved one. Unfortunately, jails will often fight extremely hard to deny liability for any inmate death. A wrongful death attorney can examine all of the unique facts of your case and let you know what your legal options are.

Investigating A Santa Maria In Custody Death

We at TorkLaw extend our deepest condolences to the family of Kristina Chermak. Any person that may have more information about what happened should reach out to investigators. It is our sincere hope that measures are taken to help make the Northern Branch Jail safer for all who stay there.

Do you need more information about a Northern Branch Jail in custody death? Our team of inmate’s rights advocates are here to answer any questions that you may have. We care deeply that accident victims are aware of their rights and that those rights are being protected. Whether you just have legal questions or need a free, independent investigation into any inmate death we are here for you. You can reach out to us anytime at (888) 441-4991.

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